January of 2007 we found a small lump on Hunters back located just under the skin, between the shoulder blades. The doctor told us it was a fatty tumor or sebaceous cyst, and it would get bigger, then smaller and go away. If it grew, or bothered him we could have it removed. June 27th it was removed in surgery and on July 3 we were back for a check up of the area and were told he had, cancer, Ewing's Sarcoma PNET (of the soft tissue surrounding the bone). A year of Chemo was started, which consisted being in the hospital every 21 days for 6 or 3 days at a time. He underwent a second surgery in October 2007 to clear the margins. On May 27th of 2008 he finished chemo and was "Cancer Free".
He was scanned and examined on regular intervals and his last clear scans were on August 19th 2009. October 28th 2009 we noticed a lump in the original tumor location. After a biopsy on October 29th, we were told the next day that the cancer has returned. The central line was put back in his chest on November 2nd and a series of tests have begun to determine the extent of the disease. Please view "posting" dated November 7, 2009 for treatment plan...

This was posted on the sidewalk at Tour De France

This was posted on the sidewalk at Tour De France
THANK YOU to Debbi Ortego for doing this for Hunter <3

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wednesday..28th of April..

Today was a day of ups and downs for Hunter. The doctors tried giving him a steroid as a pre-med to see if this would stop the chills at night and it must have helped because no chills. Hunters WBC (White Blood Counts) went down a little today, but as we were told the other day when it's this low it's kind of a guess of exactly how many cells are there because there are so few. Hunter did have to get a platelet transfusion today due to counts being so low. He still has a weak stomach and can't really eat much or keep things down. Hunter wants to eat and "likes" the idea of eating but when it comes down to it he just can't do it. He was able to eat a little bit of his favorite bread that dad brought to him.

The doctors are telling us that he is doing great and right where he is suppose to be. They say in the next few days his counts should be coming up. So that's what we will be praying for...

Thank you for your continued support,
Love the The Herrick Family

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